The Trauma and Sleep Connection
(November 2023) The Trauma and Sleep Connection
We all know healthy sleep is important to helping our children and families thrive, but far too often, this is an area where foster and adoptive families feel unprepared and left to struggle through their issues with little to no professional guidance. In this workshop, Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant and adoptive mom Allison Ezell will be covering the foundations of healthy sleep in children who have experienced trauma. Topics covered in this session will be sleep science basics, the impact of trauma on sleep, building felt safety with routines and consistency, common trouble spots and how to work through them, and when to seek professional help. Allison will conclude by offering time to answer all your burning sleep questions at the end of the session.
Allison Ezell is a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant from Dallas, Texas, and the founder of Dwell Pediatric Sleep. She is also a wife and mom of four children – a biological son and daughter, a son who came home from China in 2016, and their youngest son who was just recently adopted from the Texas foster care system. With a special passion for helping foster and adoptive families navigate sleep issues, Allison brings a unique perspective to her sleep consultations, as she is able to bring a trauma-informed perspective to an area where it has long been desperately needed. Allison’s goal at Dwell Pediatric Sleep is to help families identify the root cause of their children’s sleep issues and offer connection-focused, practical, and science-based solutions that actually work. Allison has a Bachelor’s degree in Communication, a Master’s degree in education, and she spent many years in the early childhood classroom and non-profit world prior to founding Dwell Pediatric Sleep in 2021.
Watch time: 104 minutes
Eligible Certificate of Completion time: 100 minutes