(August 2023) The Dilemma of Attachment
Please join us for an in-depth discussion centered on how children’s attachment strategies and patterns may explain their ongoing behavioral problems.
This webinar will include:
·Type D attachment and how to recognize the unresolvable dilemma seriously maltreated children experience in relationship to parent figures
·The relationship of attachment to mentalization deficits in the mother-child relationship
·Reflective approaches to help the child put feelings and needs into words rather than expressing them through actions
Dr. Richard Delaney is a nationally known speaker and consultant to parents, agencies, and helping professionals. He co-developed FosterParentCollege.com, an online training resource for resource parents. Dr. Delaney has published peer-reviewed journal articles on issues related to foster, kinship care, and adoption. He is a father, stepfather, and grandfather and lives in Wisconsin and New Mexico.
Watch time: 114 minutes
Eligible Certificate of Completion time: 115 minutes