Understanding the Racial and Cultural Needs of Transracially Parented Youth
(April 2022) Understanding the Racial and Cultural Needs of Transracially Parented Youth
Join Dr. Chaitra Wirta-Leiker, a psychologist, a transracial adoptee of color, and transracially adoptive parent, as she guides you through the nuanced aspects of raising a child of color in a multiracial family. Using her proprietary adapted model of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, she will provide insights into your child’s physiological, safety, interpersonal, emotional, and achievement-based needs in relation to their racial and cultural identity. This training will offer practical tools and resources for building environments and relationships that facilitate the development of a positive racial identity for transracial adoptees of color being raised by white caregivers.
Dr. Chaitra Wirta-Leiker a licensed psychologist, transracial adoptee, and adoptive parent specializing in providing mental health support focused on adoption, trauma, and racial identity work. She is a frequent speaker and trainer at adoption agencies, camps, and conferences throughout the U.S., and the creator of the National Adoptee-Therapist Directory. She authored “The Adoptee Self-Reflection Journal,” “The Adoptive Parent Self-Reflection Journal,” and will be releasing a children’s book series entitled “Adoptees Like Me” for elementary-age adoptees in 2022.
Watch time: 90 minutes
Eligible Certificate of Completion time: 90 minutes