The Invisible Realities of Successful Adoption
(June 2021) The Invisible Realities of Successful Adoption
In 2021 there is certainly successful adoption, and there are certainly core realities – but they aren’t talked about much. This training looks at the core belief system about adoption: that all kinds of adoptions succeed, but adoption is often misunderstood. Whatever our role within the adoption universe (parent, professional…), we are all always fighting the D word (disruption). Understanding core adoption issues is a critical part of helping families build and maintain successful adoption experiences.
Maris Blechner is an adoptive and birth parent, a licensed clinical social worker and educator, and a internationally respected trainer and speaker who has spent the last thirty-nine years working for the improvement of the lives of children in the child welfare system. One of the founders of the parent-led multi-service adoption agency that she directed for twenty-six years, Maris relates proudly that she comes from the citizen-activist child-advocacy community and brings that neighborhood and personal family experience to her professional work. These days she also enjoys mentoring, doing specialized consulting and training, and teaching at her own school, the Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College. She has recently been featured as a storyteller (about adoption) on the Moth Radio Hour, on NPR and podcasts, and even on the BBC.
Watch time: 131 minutes
Eligible Certificate of Completion time: 135 minutes