Navigating Race and Identity
(June 2019) Navigating Race and Identity
Shannon Gibney, a mixed Black transracial adoptee, reads sections from her award-winning novel ‘See No Color’, as well as her novel-in-progress, ‘Botched’ — both with themes of transracial adoption. Gibney leads participants in personal writing and response to the issues the excerpts investigate, especially around race and identity. Group discussions are also utilized, to deepen discussion and build community.
Shannon Gibney is a writer, educator, activist, and the author of See No Color (Carolrhoda Lab, 2015), and Dream Country (Dutton, 2018) young adult novels that won Minnesota Book Awards in 2016 and 2019. Gibney is faculty in English at Minneapolis Community College, where she teaches writing. A Bush Artist and McKnight Writing Fellow, her new novel, Botched, explores themes of transracial adoption through speculative memoir (Dutton, 2022). Gibney identifies as a mixed Black transracial adoptee, and was adopted by white parents in Ann Arbor, Michigan, in 1975.
Watch time: 113 minutes
Eligible Certificate of Completion time: 120 minutes