Strength-Based Mindset: A Guided Discussion
(May 2021) Strength-Based Mindset: A Guided Discussion
Youth need to be seen beyond just their care needs. They need to be seen as experts in their own right; from a strength-based perspective. This training is designed to expose participants to the concept of ‘asset-framing’ as the trainers facilitate a guided discussion on how to develop a strength-based mindset.
1. Participants will be able to foster self-esteem, self-efficacy and reinforce a positive sense of self-worth and competence among youth
2. Participants will be able to promote youth autonomy and empower youth to be actively involved in making decisions about how to move forward
3. Participants will be able to help youth identify additional supporters in their social networks
Adrian McLemore has an intimate and deep understanding of the foster care system. At just six years old, Adrian found himself in a foster home. For the next 12 years, he lived in three states, bouncing between his parents and the system, eventually aging out of foster care. Then at 21, he responded to a call to become a kinship caregiver for his niece and nephew, who were both toddlers at the time. From these experiences, Adrian has become a champion for ensuring young people are part of the foster care conversation. He has taken what is inherently personal for him and made it his life’s work.
Adrian has spent over a decade providing professional, progressive, & personal expertise across a broad range of child welfare systems and various institutions. He is an energetic and policy savvy strategic consultant partnering with child welfare directors, state legislatures, and community stakeholders to improve older youth’s permanency outcomes, stimulate family & youth engagement, and implement effective policy strategies that lead to positive system reform and change. Adrian possesses a strong analytical acumen and displays a proven ability to navigate complex political landscapes and advise clients on advancing positive child welfare policy and ensuring long-term sustainability successfully. He has been instrumental in passing child welfare legislation, establishing local and statewide youth advisory boards, creating college readiness programming, successfully advocating for Medicaid expansion & IL services and other local, state, and nationwide initiatives. Adrian holds a BA in political science from Wright State University and is a graduate student at the University of Baltimore.
Michael Sanders, MSW, has been referred to as an Edutainer…successfully blending education and entertainment for maximum learning and fun. He has spent 30 years working with teens and their families and brings his enthusiasm for these groups in a humorous and exciting presentation. As a national speaker, consultant and trainer, Michael travels extensively motivating teens, inspiring families and educating professionals to be and do their best.
As a former juvenile probation officer, child welfare social worker/supervisor, and adolescent therapist, Michael’s career has focused on adolescent issues. His passion has been developing a youth engagement initiative within child welfare practice. Additionally, he provides consultation to states in both giving youth “voice & choice” and engaging them in system reform. While completing his education in Illinois, B.S. from Bradley University and MSW from University of Illinois; Michael is considered a national expert on youth issues and participates on several panels and workgroups focusing on youth issues. However, he simply considers himself just a “FAN” of teenagers!
Watch time: 119 minutes
Eligible Certificate of Completion time: 120 minutes