COVID: It’s Still Here! Supporting Families and Ourselves Through Unprecedented Times
(September 2020) COVID: It’s Still Here! Supporting Families and Ourselves Through Unprecedented Times
We as a culture have gone through a variety of stages regarding the COVID 19 pandemic. Many of us are now in a curious state of being ‘done with it’ and yet, no one is done. Children with trauma histories may be experiencing a more intense reaction to the current circumstances. Therefore, adoptive, foster and kinship families are called to a higher level of response.
Dr. Gearity will discuss strategies for remaining resilient in the face of the unknown. She will share her wisdom in aide of helping the families and children with whom we work, as we all deal with anxiety and remaining regulated.
Dr. Gearity is a clinical social worker with a broad range of experience. In 2017, she started the family consult clinic at the University of Minnesota working with psychiatry fellows to help families navigate potentially confusing diagnoses, treatment plans and related family needs. She taught in the U’s School for Social Work for more than 20 years and authored the book, Developmental Repair, a manual for intervention with behaviorally challenged and challenging young children that is used throughout Minnesota. She continues to provide mental health therapy in the community, as well as consulting to agencies and schools about the developmental needs of children and adolescents.
Watch time: 107 minutes
Eligible Certificate of Completion time: 105 minutes