The FASD Parenting Mindset: Eight Habits that Will Upgrade Your Parenting from Stuck to Unstoppable
(December 2020) The FASD Parenting Mindset: Eight Habits that Will Upgrade Your Parenting from Stuck to Unstoppable
Caregivers who feel success towards kids with FASD are distinctive from those who feel stuck in two main ways. The parents who feel success tend to parent from a growth mindset making them better equipped to find and encourage more success in their kids. They also have habits that sustain their growth mindset by leading with strengths, examining their role in situations, and behaving in ways that keep them connected, grounded, and aware. We will learn the growth mindset for FASD parenting and the habits needed to become unstoppable.
Learning Objectives:
1. Learn and define Fixed versus Growth Mindsets
2. Discuss how Fixed and Growth Mindsets apply to parenting those with FASD
3. Apply FASD parenting strategies from a Growth Mindset
4. Review habits that promote and sustain a Growth Mindset for FASD parenting
Michael Harris is a foster parent and child psychologist who helps exasperated adoptive and foster caregivers repair and improve their parent-child relationships so they can make the difference they always wanted to make in their kids’ lives.
Watch time: 117 minutes
Eligible Certificate of Completion time: 120 minutes