Transitioning Kids From Foster to Adoptive Homes
(September 2020) Transitioning Kids From Foster to Adoptive Homes
Transitioning kids from foster to adoptive homes is complex and full of mixed emotions for kids, birth families, foster families, adoptive families, and the professionals trying to support this network. Join us in this training to gain valuable insights and learn tangible ways to support children through the process of transitioning into permanency using a chlld-centered approach. Topics covered will include honoring grief of all parties, considerations when developing a transition plan, developing realistic expectations for behaviors, specific strategies to increase the odds of a successful transition, and proactive ideas for preserving history/relationships.
Ann Kent is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in addition to being a Mom to kids via birth, foster care, and adoption. Ann co-owns Room to Grow Therapy and Consulting LLC, a private practice in Annandale, MN. She is trained in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and has additional training to address pre-verbal trauma using this modality. Ann believes deeply that disrupted attachment occurs in the context of a relationship, and therefore should be healed in the context of a relationship. She has a certificate in Emotionally Focused Therapy (attachment-based interventions for couples in crisis) and enjoys working with caregivers experiencing secondary trauma and compassion fatigue.
As a Marriage and Family Therapist, Steve Lochen see children within the context of their experiences and relationships. Traumatic or difficult experiences most often happen within the context of close relationships, therefore, Steve encourages repair/healing within the context of relationships for both children and their loved ones. In conversation with children and their caregivers/parents we collaboratively develop treatment plans that fit the needs and goals of the family system. Steve utilizes evidenced base practices, such as Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), EMDR and Attachment Based Family Therapy (ABFT) in conjunction with other attachment-focused therapies forwarded by Daniel Hughes, Heather Forbes, and Michael Orleans/Terry Levy.
Watch time: 88 minutes
Eligible Certificate of Completion time: 90 minutes