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Minnesota Support Group for Searching

Concerned United Birthparents (CUB)

First Wednesday, monthly, 7 p.m.
CUB welcomes birth parents, adopted persons, adoptive parents, and professionals
St. Louis Park Community Center
3700 Monterey Drive
St Louis Park, MN
For more information or call Erin Merrigan 612-298-9369 &

Adoptees United

Adoptees United is led by adoptees in the United States. We are committed to a diverse board and organization that represents the interests of all adoptees, whether domestic, intercountry, transracial, or former foster youth.

Connecting adoptees with their loved ones worldwide.
For more information, please visit

Adoptees’ Liberty Movement Association (The ALMA Society)

Adoptees’ Liberty Movement Association (The ALMA Society), a membership organization and adoption reunion registry. ALMA advocates for the right of adopted person to know the truth of their origin.
For more information, please visit

American Adoption Congress (AAC)

American Adoption Congress (AAC), is an international network of individuals and organizations committed to honesty and openness in adoption and to reforms that protect all of those involved from abuse or exploitation. Membership is open to adoptees, birth parents, adoptive parents, professionals, and all others who share a commitment to the AAC’s goals. AAC is not a search organization, but they provide referrals to search and support groups.
For more information, please visit

Bastard Nation

The Adoptee Rights Organization.  Offers excellent articles about search, websites, registries with many links and online resources.
For more information, please visit


Connects high school alumni online. Useful in adoption searches if name and year of graduation of person sought is known.
For more information, please visit

Offers free reunion and search registry open to adopted persons, siblings, birth parents and all birth family members.
For more information, please visit

International Soundex Reunion Registry (ISRR)

International Soundex Reunion Registry (ISRR), is a nonprofit, humanitarian agency which serves and promotes, through the reunion registry, the interest of adults desiring and seeking a reunion with next-of-kin by birth. The Registry serves the needs of birth family members who have been separated by adoption, divorce, foster care, institutional care or abandonment. ISRR is not affiliated with any registry or other organization and is the largest free search registry in the world.
For more information , please visit

MCAR (Minnesota Coalition for Adoption Reform)

FOIA—Freedom of Information Act

In intercountry adoption cases, federal accreditation standards require accredited or approved adoption service providers to retain or archive records in a safe, secure, and retrievable manner for the period of time required by applicable state law. Items from an adoptee’s immigration record can be requested via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) at USCIS.
This can be done thru filing Form G-639.  Please refer to the USCIS Freedom of Information Act Request Guide for more information.

For more information, please visit


  • Chilean Adoptees Worldwide¬—a platform for those adopted from Chile. Founded by Chilean adoptees.
  • Connecting Roots–a U.S. non-profit organization whose goal is to reunite adoptees with their biological Chilean families. We donate MyHeritage DNA testing kits at no cost to confirm genetic matches between Chile-born adoptees and their families. We are dedicated to collaborating with partner non-profit organizations to raise awareness and help those affected by the 1980’s kidnapping operation that occurred during the Pinochet regime.


  • The Nanchang Project—is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization that represents adoptees and birth families from all parts of China. They provide search assistance, as well as assistance for DNA testing procedures.
  • The China center for Children’s Welfare and Adoption (CCCWA)—formerly known as the Chinese Central Authority (CCA), the CCCWA servces as the main point of contact for adoptive parents and/or adoptees who are interested in obtaining additional information about the adoption. Persons adopted from China who have inquiries regarding their personal background should address their questions to The China Center for Children’s Welfare and Adoption (CCCWA). Providing as much detail  as possible about the adoptee’s circumstances will assist CCCWA to respond. There may be limited information for adoption cases in China that occurred prior to 2011.



Once an adoption has been completed in Colombia, all adoption records are centrally located at the Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar (ICBF) regardless of which Colombian agency/home was involved in the adoption. Due to the location of the files, post adoption requests are no longer handled directly by the private Colombian adoption agencies/homes.

Most requests for services can be instigated by direct contact with ICBF (see information below).  US adoption agencies who still have in-country representatives, can assist adoptees/adoptive parents who wish to obtain a notarized birth certificate.

  • Birth family search— ICBF requires all birth family searches and requests for copies of adoption file documents be initiated by the adopted person 18 years or older, or parents of an adopted minor. Services from ICBF are free.
  • Notarized Colombian Birth Certificate– Requests for notarized birth certificates can be made through individual adoption agencies with in-country representative support. Requests are processed through the notaries identified on the original birth certificate, and not ICBF. Additional fees for this service may vary depending on notary fees, location of the notary, and the number of copies requested.


  • Beteseb Felega – Ethiopian Adoption Connection is a grassroots effort to reconnect family members separated by adoption and to provide compassionate support to adoptees, birth family members, and adoptive parents. They have an internet database with Ethiopian adoption information provided by adoptees, adoptive parents and birth families who are looking for each other.



  • NCRC—National Center for the Rights of the Child (아동권리보장원)—and KAS– Korea Adoption Services–this is the central authority for post adoption services. They oversee all the adoption agencies in Korea and perform birth parent searches (they search for birth parent contact information and send the results back to the individual Korean adoption agencies).
    **There are no fees to request post adoption services thru NCRC/KAS
  • GOAL—Global Overseas Adoptees’ Link (해외입양인연대)–this is a non-profit organization in Korea, which is run by Korean adoptees and other volunteers to assist other adoptees find information related to their adoption history, as well as help do birth parent searches. They usually recommend that adoptees contact at least their Korean adoption agency to request a copy of their adoption file, do a Korean file review, etc. before they are able to assist with a birth parent search.
    **There is a membership fee required in order for GOA’L to assist adoptees with post adoption services

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A family tree takes you back generations—the world’s largest collection of online family history records makes it possible.

For more information, please visit

DNA testing
For more information, please visit

Family Tree Maker. offers software and multiple resources in genealogy searching.
For more information, please visit

Minnesota statutes (stat.) and rules related to post adoption search services and records. Those interested in statutes and rules governing post adoption search services and records in Minnesota may want to read the sections cited below. These policies were developed to help individuals who have been adopted, or whose birth parents have terminated their parental rights, to obtain information about themselves and their birth relatives, as well as services. These policies can be accessed electronically at the Minnesota Revisor of Statutes’ website at

Statute 144.225 Disclosure of information from vital records
Statute 144.218 Replacement birth records
Statute 245A.04, subd. 10 Adoption agency, additional requirements
Statute 259.43 Birth parent history, commissoner’s form
Statute 259.47 Direct adoptive placement
Statute 259.61 Hearings, confidential
Statute 259.79 Adoption records
Statute 259.83 Post adoption services
Statute 259.89 Access to original birth record information
Rule 9560.0030 Legally freeing a child for adoption
Rule 9560.0170 Post adoption services
Rule 9560.0180 Maintenance of adoption records
Rule 9545.0835 Adoption placements
Rule 9545.0845 Plan for transfer of records

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