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Telling your story is a powerful way to help others understand the importance of adopting from foster care and the needs of adoptive families.  We are very much interested in hearing from those who have the following experiences:

  • Families who have adopted from foster care.
  • Individuals adopted from foster care.
  • Individuals who have experienced foster care without being adopted.
  • Individuals or families who have benefited from the Foster Adopt Minnesota HELP Program.
  • Individuals or families who have benefited from educational opportunities offered by Foster Adopt Minnesota.

Please fill out the form below to have your story considered for our web site, social media or blog.  Someone from Foster Adopt Minnesota will contact you if we wish to use your story in any way. We are also looking for people who may be interested in speaking or answering questions at community events, as well as those who would be open to be featured in video projects or media features.

Tell us your story

  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, Max. file size: 256 MB.

    Panelist Interest Form

    At Foster Adopt Minnesota we value lived experience. Throughout the year, we try offer opportunities for foster, adoptive, and kinship families (and the professionals who serve them) to hear from people with lived experience. These opportunities could include panel participation at live or pre-recorded opportunities, or special events. If you are interested and willing to share your unique experience, please click this link to complete the interest form:

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