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2024 BTS Fundraising Results

Foster Adopt Minnesota’s
2024 Back-to-School Campaign

Thanks to the Minnesota adoption, foster care, and kinship communities, as well as all supporters, this year’s Back-To-School fundraiser was a huge success, raising $40,000. This amount directly benefited 200 Minnesota children in foster care.


Going back to school is an exciting time full of opportunities for most children, as it allows them to start anew. However, for those in foster care, it can be an overwhelming time, filled with uncertainty about whether they will have the means to update their wardrobe or school supplies like their peers. This year, with generous donations and community sponsors,  200 children and youth in foster care were able to join in on the excitement of back-to-school shopping.

Each child received a $200 Visa gift card to shop for back to school clothing, shoes, tech gear – things that would help bring confidence as they start their new school year.

We are already gearing up for next year’s event!  Find out more here.

The Back-to-School Shopping Event is funded solely through the generosity of businesses, organizations and individuals. Be part of our Foster Adopt MInnesota team to give kids a shopping trip to remember! 



“My grandkids were in disbelief that they got to shop for ‘free’.  My grand-daughter just kept watching the tags to make sure she wouldn’t go over the amount and kept saying that it was so nice of the people that donated to them.  My grandson kept asking if I was sure and it was legit.  He didn’t want to put too much in the cart saying that if he bought a little then other kids could have more money to shop with.  I explained that this was for them only and that other kids had money to shop with also. 

 Thank you for giving us this gift, as it sure helped a lot.”

“I think what the kids enjoyed the most was being able to choose how they spent the money. One of my youth wanted a Vikings Sweatshirt but he thought it was too much money. He got a lot of other clothes on sale and was able to buy the sweatshirt. Another youth wanted to pick out a pair of shoes that he really wanted. We bought the shoes first to make sure that he had enough money. He still loves the shoes several weeks later.”

“Thank you so much for this wonderful gift. We had a great day, making memories!”


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