Getting to Know the Office of the Foster Youth Ombudsperson
(September 2024) The Office of the Foster Youth Ombudsperson (OOFY) was created in response to Fosters* expressing a need for an office to respond to their unanswered concerns. OOFY is a neutral and independent agency that helps solve problems and complaints about the care, placement, safety, and services of children and youth in foster care. We help foster youth, social workers, probation officers, resource families and advocates understand the rights of children and youth in foster care. We also help by making policy recommendations to improve the foster care system.
Join us to learn about the key priorities of OOFY, what to expect from our complaint resolution and investigative process, and how we can best partner to fulfill our legislative mandate to “promote the highest attainable standards of competence, efficiency, and justice for youth who are in the care of the state.”
We use the term Foster as described by Foster Advocates: Early leaders in our network stated foster care creates a significant cultural identity, akin to other immutable characteristics, that goes unrecognized once they are reunited with family, adopted, or age out. In response, we use the term Foster to name and claim this unique identity.
Watch time: 52 minutes
Eligible Certificate of Completion time: 50 minutes