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Integrating Resiliency Through a Holistic Trauma-Informed Approach




(April 2022)  Integrating Resiliency Through a Holistic Trauma-Informed Approach

Research on child, adult, family, and professional resiliency have common characteristic that reinforce the importance of relatedness, mastery, and regulation. This presentation is specifically for professionals who work with children and families who have experienced trauma. Professionals will learn principles and strategies to build resiliency with the children and families with whom they work. In addition, this presentation will empower professionals to develop their own personal and professional resiliency.  Professionals will leave the webinar with approaches to build connection, strategies to create competency, and interventions to increase regulation and resiliency.

Dr. James Henry is a co-founder and project director for the Western Michigan University Children’s Trauma Assessment Center (CTAC). He has a professional history that includes more than 17 years as a child welfare and protective services worker/supervisor. He has trained and developed 15 trauma assessment centers in Michigan and Colorado modeled on CTAC’s transdisciplinary comprehensive neurodevelopment trauma assessments. He has been a professor in WMU’s School of Social Work for 19 years, with a focus on developing and providing trauma-informed instruction in the social work curriculum. Henry has published more than 20 research articles in professional journals on child maltreatment and child trauma. He has presented at local, state, national and international conferences to over 80,000 participants on the traumatic impact of child maltreatment, secondary trauma, and building trauma informed systems.  He is a co-author on the book, Seeking Justice, which explores investigation, prosecution, and treatment of child sexual abuse.  He is the principal investigator on seven federal and one state grant related to violence and trauma to children totaling 11 million dollars.  He has received eight community, state, and national awards for his advocacy, leadership, and scholarship in child welfare and child trauma. His lifelong goal is to provide society’s most vulnerable children, those who have been maltreated and traumatized, with the greatest opportunity to become who they were meant to be through service, research and educating others. He continues to be inspired to continue this work by listening to the children tell their courageous stories.

Watch time: 163 minutes

Eligible Certificate of Completion time: 165 minutes

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