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Being a Permanency Competent Professional: What Does That Mean and How Do I Do It?




(January 2021)  There is a lot of conversation of late about permanency competent work but what does this really mean? In this workshop, we will explore the components of being permanency competent including things such as the weaving of the permanency blanket, claiming, understanding and decoding behaviour, supporting parents in parenting children/youth who have experienced trauma. This workshop will provide opportunities for learning and self-reflection/deliberate practice relating to your growth as a permanency competent professional.

Karen Moore MA, RSW, is the clinical director of Open Doors for Lanark Children and Youth, a children’s mental health centre in Lanark County, Ontario. She is also a trainer with the Adoption Council of Ontario, facilitating the Pathways to Permanence training and the ACT training and has a private practice working with families who are part of a permanency journey.  Karen has presented and spoken widely about adoption, permanence, and working with families who have been formed through permanency. She is the mother of 4 amazing children aged 22, 14, 13, and 12 and their family was formed through a permanency journey.

Watch time: 120 minutes

Eligible Certificate of Completion time: 120 minutes

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